Subject: RE: Abstract Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 23:56:15 +0100 From: Walter Kutschera To: irk@Pap.UniVie.AC.AT Liebe Ina, Welcome back! Untenstehend das Abstract von Michael Paul's Seminar am 17. Dezember. Ich habe schon Quartier fuer ihn im ATLANTA bestellt. Mit Lugmait habe ich auch Kontakt aufgenommen. Er kommt Mittwoch mit Frau und bleibt bis Sonntag. Quartier hat er auch. Vielleicht kannst Du auch mal zur Nachsitzung am Donnerstag mitkommen. Das waere schoen. Herzlichen Gruss Walter > > > "Accelerator Mass Spectrometry of Heavy Radionuclides" > > Michael Paul > Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem > > > Accelerator mass spectrometry has gradually evolved from the original >14C atom counting to cover today detection of nuclides throughout the >periodic table. While isobar discrimination and molecular dissociation >are the key features of AMS for lower mass nuclides, it seems that the >high ion energy characteristic of AMS systems brings in additional >advantages for the analysis of very heavy ions over conventional mass >spectrometry. The talk will focus on the AMS detection of some of the >heaviest nuclides found in nature and specifically on first systematic >measurements of natural 236U in uranium-rich ores. Primordial 236U >(T1/2=23.4 My) is extinct due to alpha decay to long-lived 232Th. 236U >can however be produced in 235U(n,g) reactions in nature and >artificially in nuclear reactors. Conclusions derived from our first >measurements will be discussed. > > > > > ___________________________________________________________ Walter Kutschera VERA - Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator Institut fuer Radiumforschung und Kernphysik Universitaet Wien Waehringer Strasse 17 A-1090 Wien/Austria Tel. +43-1-4277-51700 (Sekretariat: +43-1-4277-51701) Fax: +43-1-4277-9517 email: ___________________________________________________________