From: APAP::WALTERKU 11-MAR-1997 17:50:24.11 To: IRK CC: Subj: abstract Economou From: IN%"" "Tom Economou" 11-MAR-1997 17:41:07.74 To: IN%"WALTERKU@Pap.UniVie.AC.AT" CC: IN%"" Subj: RE: Seminar Abstract Return-path: Received: from by Pap.UniVie.AC.AT (PMDF V5.0-4 #10670) id <01IGDUUXSZ1SDLGDMS@Pap.UniVie.AC.AT> for WALTERKU@Pap.UniVie.AC.AT; Tue, 11 Mar 1997 17:40:44 +0100 (MET) Received: (tecon@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.4) id KAA06123; Tue, 11 Mar 1997 10:32:12 -0600 Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 10:32:12 -0600 From: Tom Economou Subject: Re: Seminar Abstract To: WALTERKU@Pap.UniVie.AC.AT Cc: Message-id: <> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT > From WALTERKU@Pap.UniVie.AC.AT Tue Mar 11 01:30:10 1997 > Subject: Seminar Abstract > To: > X-VMS-To: IN%"" > X-VMS-Cc: WALTERKU > MIME-version: 1.0 > Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT > Content-Length: 612 > X-Lines: 16 > > Dear Tom, > > Since we soon want to send out the announcement for our weekly > Seminars in April, I'd like to ask you to send me a title and > a brief abstract (<100 words) for your Seminar on 24 April 1997. > >From our last communication, I understand that you will be > talking about the pathfinder mission. We are very much looking forward to > your talk and your visit to VERA. I'd appreciate to receiving your > abstract some time this week (e-mail is fine). > > If you need a hotel reservation or any other arrangement for accomodation > and/or travel, please let us know. > > Best regards, > Walter Kutschera > > Here it is Walter: TITLE: USING NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES IN SPACE TO OBTAIN IN SITU CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF PLANETARY BODIES: CASE -- MARS PATHFINDRER Thanasis Economou Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Research University of chicago Rutherford alpha backscattering, (a,p) reactions with some light elements and characteristic X-ray production using alpha particles from a radioactive source Cm-244 are combined in a sigle miniaturized low weight, low power instrument that is used on landing missions to obtain chemical composition of planetary bodies. The Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) as being used on the Pathfinder mission will provide complete and accurate elemental composition of Martian surface for all elements (except H and He). The Pathfinder spacecraft, currently on its way to Mars, will land July 4, 1997. It will deploy a small rover that will carry around the APXS to analyze interesting soil and rock samples selected from the lander and rover images. The Pathfinder and other missions to follow on each opportunity for the next dacade to explore Mars, will help us understand the origin, history, proceses and climatic changes in the past that transformed Mars to today's planet.