![[ICO]](/icons/blank.gif) | Name | Last modified | Size | Description |
![[PARENTDIR]](/icons/back.gif) | Parent Directory | | - | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0001_VERA_A_New_AMS_Facillity_In_Vienna.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:38 | 355K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0002_Meassurement_Of_81Kr_In_The_Atmosphere.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:40 | 1.7M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0003_New_Detector_Concepts_For_AMS.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:41 | 716K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0004_First_Performance_Tests_Of_VERA.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:43 | 755K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0005_Conference_Summary_Trends_In_AMS.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:44 | 600K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0006_Study_Of_The_27Al(n,2n)26Al_Reaction.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:45 | 402K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0007_26Al_Measurements_With_VERA.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:47 | 676K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0008_Systematic_Investigation_Of_14C_Measurements_At_The_Vienna_Environmental_Research_Accelerator.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:49 | 696K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0009_14C_Measurements_Of_Sub-Milligram_Carbon_Samples_From_Aerosols.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:51 | 1.8M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0010_First_14C_Results_From_Archaelogiacl_And_Forensic_Studeis_At_The_Vienna_Environmental_Research_Accelerator.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:53 | 1.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0011_Systematic_Investigation_Of_14C_AMS_Measurements_And_First_Results_Of_A_Forensic_Study_In_Humans.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:56 | 1.7M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0012_AMS_And_Microprobe_Analysis_Of_Combusted_Particles_In_Ice_And_Snow.pdf | 2006-07-05 13:58 | 1.6M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0013_AMS_And_Prehistorical_Archaeology_In_The_Alpine_Region_Of_Central_Europe.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:04 | 253K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0014_Three-Laboratory_Measurement_Of_The_44Ti_Half-Life.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:06 | 860K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0015_Dating_And_Environment_Using_Long_Lived_Radionuclides.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:09 | 1.5M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0016_Neandertalzeitliche_AMS-Daten_Von_Mittelsteirischen_Rentierresten.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:11 | 922K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0017_The_Vienna_Environmental_Research_Accelerator.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:12 | 157K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0018_Atmospheric_14C_Measurements_With_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:13 | 181K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0019_Mass_Spectrometry_And_Ion_Processes.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:15 | 1.5M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0020_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry_A_Method_To_Study_Our_World_Atom_By_Atom.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:18 | 3.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0021_The_CO-HO-Europe_Project_And_Measurements_Of_14C_Monoxide_Concentrations_In_Air_From_The_High-Altitude_Observatory_Sonnblick(3106_M)_In_The_Austrian_Alps.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:22 | 3.3M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0022_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry-Big_And_Small.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:24 | 1.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0023_Radiocarbon_Dating_Of_Equipment_From_The_Iceman.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:27 | 2.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0024_Measurement_Of_The_Long-Lived_Radionuclide_81Kr_In_Pre-Nuclear_And_Present-Day_Atmospheric_Krypton.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:30 | 1.9M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0025_Development_Of_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry_(AMS)_For_The_Detection_Of_81Kr_And_First_Application_To_Groundwater_Dating.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:34 | 1.0M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0026_Hard-VERA_And_Soft-VERA.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:35 | 823K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0027_The_Use_Of_Beryllium_Isotopes_To_Get_Information_On_Our_Environment.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:37 | 169K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0028_Comparative_Biotransformation_Studies_Of_MeIQx_And_PhIP_In_Animal_Models_And_Humans.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:38 | 538K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0029_AMS_14C_Dating_Of_Equipment_From_The_Iceman_ANd_Of_Spruce_Logs_From_The_Prehistoric_Salt_Mines_Of_Hallstatt.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:42 | 1.5M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0030_A_Detailed_2-Year_Record_Of_Atmospheric_14CO_In_The_Temperate_Northern_Hemisphere.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:44 | 1.0M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0031_The_Use_Of_Bayesian_Statistics_For_14C_Dates_Of_Chronologically_Ordered_Samples_A_Critical_Analysis.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:48 | 2.8M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0032_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry_Analysis_Of_Non-Soluble_Carbon_In_Aersol_Particles_From_High_Alpine_Snow_(MT._Sonnblich,_Austria).pdf | 2006-07-05 14:54 | 2.9M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0033_14CO-A_Tracer_For_The_Determination_Of_Global_Hydroxyl_(OH)_Radical_Concentrations.pdf | 2006-07-05 14:59 | 5.2M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0034_Measurement_Of_The_44Ti_Half-Life_And_Its_Significance_For_Supernovae.pdf | 2006-07-05 15:01 | 962K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0035_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry_Analysing_Our_World_Atom_By_Atom.pdf | 2006-07-05 15:04 | 3.8M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0036_Developments_Towards_A_Fully_Automated_AMS_System.pdf | 2006-07-05 15:05 | 652K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0037_Oetzi,The_Prehistoric_Iceman.pdf | 2006-07-05 15:10 | 2.4M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0038_What_The_Stripper_Pressure_Can_Tell_About_The_Cooling_System.pdf | 2006-07-05 15:12 | 675K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0039_Methodological_Aspects_Of_Atmospheric_14CO_Measurements_With_AMS.pdf | 2006-07-05 15:14 | 613K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0040_Extensions_Of_The_Measuring_Capabilities_At_VERA.pdf | 2011-08-01 10:56 | 824K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0041_14C_Dating_With_The_Bomb_Peak_An_Application_To_Forensic_Medicine.pdf | 2006-07-05 15:17 | 710K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0042_Automated_Evaluation_Of_14C_AMS_Measurements.pdf | 2006-07-05 15:19 | 766K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0043_Precision_And_Accuracy_Of_26Al_Measurements_At_VERA.pdf | 2006-07-06 07:14 | 817K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0044_Oceanic_Uptake_Of_CO2_Re-Estimated_Through_Delta13C_In_WOCE_Samples.pdf | 2006-07-06 07:18 | 1.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0045_81Kr_In_The_Great_Artesian_Basin_Australia_A_New_Method_For_Dating_Very_Old_Groundwater.pdf | 2006-07-06 07:22 | 2.6M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0046_Die_Absolutdatierung_der_Urnenfelderzeitlichen_Und_Frühmittelalterlichen_Wallanlagen_Von_Thunau_Am_Kamp_MG_Gars_Am_Kamp_Niederoesterreich_Mit_Hilfe_Von_14C-Daten.pdf | 2006-07-06 07:40 | 4.6M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0047_Positron-Electron_Pairs_Produced_In_Heavy-Ion_Collisions.pdf | 2006-07-06 07:46 | 5.4M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0048_New_Methods_And_Critical_Aspects_In_Bayesian_Mathematics_For_14C_Calibration.pdf | 2006-07-06 07:48 | 1.0M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0049_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry_At_VERA.pdf | 2006-07-06 07:50 | 759K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0050_Das_Sortieren_Von_Atomen_One_By_One.pdf | 2006-07-06 07:53 | 2.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0051_New_Chronological_Frame_For_The_Young_Neolithic_Baden_Culture_In_Central_Europe_(4th_Millenium_BC).pdf | 2006-07-06 07:55 | 1.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0052_Age_Determination_Of_Fossil_Bones_From_The_Vinija_Neanderthal_Site_In_Croatia.pdf | 2006-07-06 07:58 | 2.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0053_The_VERA_Heavy_Ion_Program-Status_And_Prospects.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:02 | 2.5M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0054_Detailed_Analysis_Of_The_Isotopic_Composition_Of_CO_And_Characterization_Of_The_Air_Masses_Arriving_At_Mount_Sonnblick_(Austrian_Alps).pdf | 2006-07-06 08:11 | 2.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0055_Heavy_Ion_AMS_With_A_Small_Accelerator.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:18 | 657K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0056_Calorimetric_Low_Temperature_Detectors_For_Mass_Identification_Of_Heavy_Ions.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:20 | 537K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0057_Upgrade_Of_The_Analyzing_Beam_Line_At_The_Vera_Laboratory.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:22 | 1.2M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0058_Experimental_Analysis_Of_The_Ions_Optics_Of_The_VERA_Facility.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:24 | 689K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0059_Oetzi_Der_Praehist_Eismann_Altersbestimmg_m_d_Kohlenstoff-14_Methode.pdf | 2015-03-06 12:30 | 7.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0060_4.4_Radiocarbon_Dating_Of_The_Iceman_Oetzi_With_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:36 | 1.5M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0061_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry_Of_Heavy_Long-Lived_Radionuclides.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:40 | 1.7M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0062_A_Comparison_Of_Groundwater_Dating_With_81Kr_36Cl_And_4He_In_Four_Wells_Of_The_Great_Artesian_Basin_Australia.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:46 | 5.2M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0063_VERA_An_AMS_Facility_For_All_Isotopes.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:49 | 1.0M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0064_First_Test_With_A_Natural_Diamond_Detector_(NDD)-A_Possibly_Powerful_Tool_For_AMS.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:51 | 399K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0065_Developing_A_Detection_Method_Of_Environmental_244Pu.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:53 | 953K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0066_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry_Of_Particle-Bound_10Be.pdf | 2006-07-06 08:55 | 2.8M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0067_Isotope_Language_Of_The_Alpine_Iceman_Investigated_With_AMS_And_MS.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:01 | 9.4M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0068_182Hf_A_New_Isotope_For_AMS.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:04 | 1.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0069_Development_Of_An_AMS_Method_To_Study_Oceanic_Circulation_Characteristics_Using_Cosmogenic_39Ar.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:07 | 725K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0070_Precise_Measurement_Of_The_27Al(n_2n)_26gAl_Excitation_Function_Near_Threshold_And_Its_Relevance_For_Fusion-Plasma_Technology.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:13 | 1.8M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0071_AMS_Measurements_Of_26Al_In_Quartz_To_Assess_The_Cosmic_Ray_Background_For_The_Geochemical_Solar_Neutrino_Experiment_LOREX.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:17 | 3.2M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0072_High_Precision_Branching_Ratio_Measurement_For_The_Superallowed_Beta_Decay_Of_74Rb_A_Prerequisite_For_Exacting_Tests_Of_The_Standart_Model.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:21 | 1.2M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0073_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry_Of_The_Heaviest_Long-Lived_Radionuclides_With_A_3-MV_Tandem_Accelerator.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:28 | 2.8M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0074_Search_For_Live_182Hf_In_Deep-Sea_Sediments.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:30 | 1.7M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0075_Anthropogenic_244Pu_In_The_Environment.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:32 | 268K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0076_A_Critical_Review_Of_Experimental_Data_For_The_Half-Lives_Of_The_Uranium_Isotopes_238U_And_235U.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:36 | 876K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0077_Tracing_Noble_Gas_Radionuclides_In_The_Environment.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:42 | 2.6M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0078_First_Application_Of_Calorimetric_Low-Temperature_Detectors_In_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:44 | 266K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0079_Recent_Investigations_And_Applications_Of_Thin_Diamond-Like_Carbon_(DLC)_Foils.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:49 | 598K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0080_First_Tests_Of_A_Thin_Natural_Diamond_Detector_As_An_Energy_Spectrometer_For_Low.Energy_Heavy_Ions.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:52 | 397K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0081_Analysis_Of_Doubly-Charged_Negative_Molecules_By_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:55 | 1.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0082_Pushing_The_Precision_Limit_Of_14C_AMS.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:00 | 902K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0083_Halo_Neutrons_And_The_Beta_Decay_Of_11Li.pdf | 2006-07-07 13:58 | 618K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0084_Neolithic_Massacres_Local_Skirmishes_Or_General_Warfare_In_Europe.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:03 | 1.5M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0085_A_14C_Calibration_With_AMS_From_3500_To_3000_BC_Derived_From_A_New_High-Elevation_Stone-Pine_Tree-Ring_Chronology.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:06 | 1.3M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0086_Investigation_Of_A_Chinese_Ink_Rubbing_By_14C_AMS_Analysis.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:07 | 1.4M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0087_New_Half-Life_Measurement_Of_182Hf_Improved_Chronometer_For_The_Early_Solar_System.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:10 | 452K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0088_Absolute_Intensities_Of_Gamma_Rays_In_182Hf_Decay.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:12 | 251K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0089_182Hf_From_Geophysics_To_Astrophysics.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:16 | 295K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0090_The_TOF_Detector_For_Isobar_Separation_At_Ion_Energies_Below_1_MeV_Amu.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:17 | 373K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0091_Potential_Of_AMS_For_Quantifying_Long-Lived_Reaction_Products.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:36 | 342K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0092_Progress_In_Isotope_Analysis_At_Ultra-Trace_Level_By_AMS.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:32 | 1.3M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0093_Opportunities_And_Limits_Of_AMS_With_3-MV_Tandem_Accelerators.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:34 | 527K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0094_Determination_Of_Plutonium_In_Environmental_Samples_By_AMS_And_Alpha_Spectrometry.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:38 | 521K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0095_The_Role_Of_Isotopes_In_Environmental_And_Climate_Studies.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:40 | 270K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0096_Direct_Dating_Of_Early_Upper_Palaeolithic_Human_Remains_From_Mladex.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:42 | 781K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0097_Experimental_And_Theoratical_Evidence_For_Long-Lived_Molecular_Hydrogen_Anions_H2_And_D2.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:45 | 558K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0098_AMS_Radiocarbon_DAting_Of_Bone_Samples_From_The_Xinzhai_Site_in_China.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:47 | 475K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0099_Reaction_And_Proton-Removal_Cross_Sections_Of_6Li_7Be_10B_9_10_11C_12N_13_15O_And_17Ne_On_Si_At_15_To_53_MeV_Nucleon.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:52 | 1.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0100_High_Precision_Measurement_Of_26Na_Beta-Decay.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:56 | 1.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0101_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry_Of_Molecular_Ions.pdf | 2006-07-07 14:58 | 454K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0102_A_Study_Of_The_Tandem-Terminal-Stripper_Reaction_1H(12C_Gamma)13N_With_Accelerator_Mass_Spectrometry.pdf | 2006-07-07 15:00 | 372K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0103_Verification_Of_Long-Lived_Molecular_Hydrogen_Anions_(Hn_Dn_N=2_3)_By_Secondary-Ion_Mass_Spectrometry.pdf | 2006-07-07 15:02 | 367K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0104_Radiocarbon_Determination_Of_Particulate_Organic_Carbon_In_Non-Temperated_Alpine_Glacier_Ice.pdf | 2006-07-07 15:06 | 1.2M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0105_Chronology_For_The_Aegean_Late_Bronze_Age_1700-1400_BC.pdf | 2006-07-07 15:09 | 717K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0106_Lifetimes_Of_The_Negative_Molecular_Hydrogen_Ions_H2_D2_And_HD.pdf | 2006-07-10 13:58 | 484K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0107_AMS-A_Powerful_Tool_For_Probing_Mucleosynthesis_Via_Long-Lived_Radionuclides.pdf | 2006-07-10 14:01 | 686K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0108_Preparation and investigation of ultra-thin diamond-like carbon (DLC) foils reinforced with collodion.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:07 | 139K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0109_Measurement of Mg-25(p, gamma)Al-26(g) resonance strengths via accelerator mass spectrometry.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:09 | 269K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0110_Stellar (n,gamma) cross sections of Hf-174 and radioactive Hf-182.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:13 | 752K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0111_Half-life of Hf-183.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:15 | 216K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0112_Sputtered gas-phase dianions detected by high-sensitivity mass spectrometry.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:16 | 380K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0113_Improved measurement of the Ti-44 half-life from a 14-year long study.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:17 | 200K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0114_Exotic negative molecules in AMS.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:19 | 310K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0115_AMS measurements of Ca-41 and Fe-55 at VERA - two radionuclides of astrophysical interest.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:21 | 385K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0116_Radiocarbon dating of the Peruvian Chachapoya_Inca site at the Laguna de los Condores.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:22 | 754K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0117_The principle of the Bayesian method.pdf | 2008-02-05 12:22 | 792K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0118_Ion source refinement at VERA.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:25 | 1.5M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0119_A device for automated phase space measurement of ion beams.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:26 | 777K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0120_Development of isobar separation for Hf-182 AMS measurements of astrophysical interest.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:28 | 325K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0121_Treatment of small samples of particulate organic carbon (POC) for radiocarbon dating of ice.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:29 | 138K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0122_Measurement of Al-26 for atmospheric and climate research and the potential of Al-26_Be-10 ratios.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:31 | 337K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0123_Measurement of (n, gamma) reaction cross sections at stellar energies for Ni-58 and Se-78.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:32 | 168K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0124_The 40Ca(alpha, gamma)Ti-44 reaction at DRAGON.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:33 | 334K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0125_Developments toward the measurement of I-129 in lignite.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:36 | 245K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0126_AMS of natural U-236 and Pu-239 produced in uranium ores.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:41 | 156K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0127_Measurement of the Ca-40(alpha,gamma)Ti-44 reaction relevant for supernova nucleosynthesis.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:42 | 750K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0128_Disentangling geomagnetic and precipitation signals in an 80-Kyr Chinese loess record of Be-10.pdf | 2008-01-30 17:48 | 656K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0129_Improvement of the stability of the VERA accelerator.pdf | 2008-01-31 09:37 | 649K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0131_An estimate of the impact of stratosphere-to-troposphere transport (STT) onthe lower free tropospheric ozone over the Alps.pdf | 2008-01-30 18:33 | 570K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0132_Forecast, observation and modelling of a deep stratospheric intrusion event over Europe.pdf | 2008-01-30 18:05 | 22M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0133_STRATOSPHERE-TROPOSPHERE EXCHANGE_ A REVIEW, AND WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED FROM STACCATO.pdf | 2008-01-31 08:58 | 285K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0135_Probenpräparation von organischen Proben für die C-14-Datierung.pdf | 2008-02-05 11:48 | 359K | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0136_Der Fundkomplex von Asparn_Schletz (Niederösterreich) und seine Bedeutung für den aktuellen Diskurs endlinearbandkeramischer Phänomene in Zentraleuropa.pdf | 2008-02-05 19:25 | 2.4M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0137_Die Baeren der Brieglersberghoehle.pdf | 2008-02-05 13:44 | 2.1M | |
![[ ]](/icons/layout.gif) | 0140_Natural and anthropogenic 236U in environmental samples.pdf | 2008-06-09 17:13 | 168K | |
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